Chapter 16

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No copyright infringement is intended. We all know who wrote the song...we all not it was not me. This little piece of fiction has had over 3,000 page views. I'm a bit...stunned. Thank You so much for taking the time to read it.
The concerts were real. The story is not. It's just a figment of my imagination; what I think might have happened to a girl who liked to take pictures and a boy who loves the stage. I hope you enjoy!

Thinking of  You
(I Drive Myself Crazy)

Chapter 16

Atlantis hotel on the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai

April 3, 2015
10 a.m.


“Payno...where’s Louis?” I ask as he walks by the hotel room door.

“I think he’s in his room, why?”

“I need his help...”

I love Harry, like a brother. I would absolutely do anything for him. This favor is gonna cost him though. Trying to get Kendall Jenner out of Dubai, before He and Rebekah arrive, is going to be a feat.

“What’s up? Can I help? You know Louis’ got his own issues at the moment. If I can help, say the word,” he says pushing me into my room. “Come on...tell Daddy Direction what you need.”

“Jaysus, I haven’t heard that term in a while,” I laugh.

“Yeah...probably shouldn’t use it. ‘Daddy’ seems to have taken on a whole new meaning with some of these fans.  Have you seen some of the posts lately?” He pulls up his twitter and starts scrolling through his mentions.

Liam is great, but...sometimes...he loses focus.

“Li...” I snap my finger in front of his face. “Payno...focus. I have a huge problem.”

“Oh, right! What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“I spoke to Harold this morning.  Guess who’s here?”

“Bro, how’s Bex?  I really think she’s ace. I wish we could get her to continue on the tour,” he says smiling at me.

Again with the focus...

“Liam!  Bro...listen to me...Harold has an unexpected guest!”

“Well, I’m sure it’ll be it Gems? Anne?” He says as he leans on the back of a chair.

“No...if it was Gemma or Anne it wouldn’t be a problem...”

“Alright...I’m confused.”


“Bloody hell...”

“Exactly,” I say wiping my hands on my jeans.  “He asked me to get rid of her. Before they get here.”

“That’s not gonna be easy,” he says running a hand across the top of his hair.

“Really, Payno?” I give him the ‘no shite’ look.

“You need Louis to piss her off,” he says looking at me.

“Well, I would prefer if we didn’t have to piss her off, but...”

“Do you think she knows about Bex?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. I doubt it though. If he had told Kendall, he wouldn’t want her out before they got there. “He told me he wasn’t looking forward to telling Bex about her.”

“We definitely need Tommo,” he says as he walks out the door.  I follow him two rooms down to Louis’ room.  

“Come in!!!” Tommo yells through the partially open door. He’s on the phone when we enter the room.  “Just let me know when you’ve made the appointment. I’ll figure something out. I have to go. Tour stuff.”

“This is a bad idea,” I whisper to Liam.

“What can I do for you boys?” Tommo looks a bit stressed. Adding Kendall to the mix is like adding oil to water.

“So...we have a problem...” Payno starts out.  “Niall can fill you in. Let me know what I can do.”  

He bails. Walks right out the door.  Fucking Lima Bean!

“Now I know why he doesn’t have ‘lad’ status,” I say looking at the now closed hotel room door.  My hand immediately starts playing with the hair on the side of my head.

“Irish...stop with the hair thing. What’s on?”

“Soo...I spoke to H before we got here. It appears we have an unwanted tour guest.”

“Fooking hell...that was Kendall I saw this morning,” he says and then starts pacing.

“Harry owes me huge. He wants her gone before they arrive tomorrow morning.”

I watch as my friend rubs his hands together.  I can see the wheels spinning.

“Where is she now?”

“I don’t know,” I shrug.

“Which room is Haz’s?”

“He’s across from me, thank god,” I say as we leave the room and head back down the corridor. I have no idea if he and Bex have been intimate. And I don’t want to know.  I’ve heard way too much in the almost five years we’ve been together and touring.  With all the guys.

We stop in front of what should be H’s room.  Louis points at it to make sure. He knocks twice and we wait for a response.  When we get nothing, Louis suggests we head downstairs to the bar.  Taking Alberto with us, we take the ride down to the lobby.

It’s just after ten in the morning and the place is hopping. Alberto suggests we try to stay as inconspicuous as possible while he goes in search of Kendall.  Not long after he leaves, we know he’s found her.

“Get off me!  No, I won’t shut up...”

“Well, she’s apparently happy as ever,” Louis laughs.

“This is gonna be more difficult than even I thought,” I say as I try the door knobs on some of the conference rooms.  Finding an open one, I whistle to Louis.

“I don’t care who the hell you are! No one is gonna tell me to shut up!” Kendall continues to yell as Louis’ bodyguard guides her down the hall.  

“Oh, Thank god! Niall, will you tell Alberto to let me go? All I’m doing is waiting for Harry.  I asked Sam for a room key, but he refuses. Do you think you can get me one?” She smiles as she enters the room.  She hasn’t seen Louis yet. They have a thing. More hate than anything.

“Here’s the thing, Kendall, Love...”

“Jesus Christ...Louis. Go to hell,” she says stepping towards me. “Niall, come on. Help a girl out.”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to do that, Kendall. You need to go back home, Sweetheart. Tomorrow is the last show of this leg of the tour. We’re not gonna have any time to entertain company,” I say as nicely as possible.

“What he means is Haz wants you gone,” my less than tactful, but bluntly honest bandmate says.

“Jaysus, Louis!”

“Ya know what, Tomlinson...go fuck yourself.” Kendall says over her shoulder.  “Have you spoken to Harry?  I don’t understand why he’d stay behind in Cape Town.”

“He...he had a few things he was helping some people with,” I stutter. I don’t want to give her any information.

“He doesn’t need your ‘services’, Kenz. He asked you to go home and now is the time to do it. Listen...I’ll even spring for half your ticket,” Louis says pulling cash out of his pocket. “I may even have Sam try to get you on the first available.”

Kendall flips him off, “Niall...what the hell is going on?  Is he back with Nadine?  She’s really not good for him. She’s kind of an idiot.”

“No, Kendall.  He’s not with Nadine.  Can you just do me a favor and just do as he asks? Just go home. He’s flying back to Los Angeles tomorrow night. I’m sure he’ll call you Monday morning,” I practically beg.

“What aren’t you two telling me? Where’s Liam? Get Liam down here.”

“Sorry Love!” Louis shrugs.  

Just then, the door of the conference room opens.

“You alright?” Liam smiles as he closes the door.

“Cheers, Payno,” Louis fist bumps him.

“Liam!  So nice to see you!” Kendall gives him her megawatt smile. “Neither of these boys want to help a girl out.”  She steps towards him, but Alberto intervenes. “Can you call off the gorilla?”

“Kendall, lovely to see you. I’m sorry to hear the boys haven’t been accommodating. Did you need a ride to the airport? A hand with your luggage? I’m sure we can send one of our security with you,” Liam says sweetly.  This isn’t going over well with her.  She shoots daggers at all three of us.

“What in the hell is going on?  Harry’s got some floozy groupie with him, doesn’t he?”

“She’s not like that!” Liam pipes up and then immediately covers his mouth.

“Well you’ve gone and stepped in it now, Payno,” Louis says patting him on the back. “Listen Kendall. As I said before, Harry would like you to go home. He’ll call you when he can after he gets back to L.A.  Please allow Alberto to provide you with transportation to the airport. It was lovely seeing you, babe.”

“You three are absolute pricks. I’m gonna have a word with Harry about this. I will find out what the hell is going know that, right?” Kendall yells as Alberto pushes her out of the room and follows.

“That went...not good,” I say slipping into one of the chairs. They both join me. Liam bangs his head off the table. Louis looks at his fingernails.

“I can’t believe I blurted that out! Bad Payno...Bad bad Payno!” I slip my hand between him and the table, stopping him from hitting himself again.

“She’s gone. That’s what’s important. Haz will deal with the rest.  I need a beer,” Tommo says standing up.  


Somewhere over mid-western South Africa

7:45 pm


“Sir...” the stewardess knocks on the bedroom door. “Will you want supper served in the room or...” And promptly opens it. “Oh, pardon me!”

“Shhh.” I look back at the mass of dark hair on my chest. She closes the door after I point toward the cabin.

What a few hours it’s been...

After Rebekah walked out on me, she proceeded to get pissed.  Dale was so concerned by her behavior he came and got me.  I found her on her cell phone texting her best friend, Emily. I tried not to be intrusive, but apparently my new nickname is “Hair boy.”

Once Dale and Megan got her back in here and the whiskey away from her, I took the opportunity to talk with her best friend myself.  Emily was able to fill in some blank spots.  

Tog was crying and saying that Mateo was right. Honestly, I no longer wonder if he was an I know it.  How do you tell the person you supposedly love that they are a shit photographer?  That’s her profession. Her craft...her first love, if you will. tell them no one will ever love them?  Emotional and mental abuse, plain and simple. Emily and I both believe it was doubtful he physically abused her.

After my lengthy discussion with Doc, I deleted the texts from her phone. Tog would probably not be happy about Emily giving me that information. She might see it as me prying. I was serious about my offer of tickets to the Summertime Ball.  I want Tog to continue on with the tour, but I know she has more important things to attend to. I’m just hoping that Emily and I will be able to get her to Wembley in June. I laid down with her in an effort to settle her. She was thrashing on the bed and sobbing in her sleep.  It took a bit, but she finally did calm. I ended up taking my shirt off, thinking the feel of my skin next to hers would help.  Once I got her in my arms, she laid her head on my chest and sighed.

Her roommates seem very important to her, maybe just as important as Nialler, Liam and Louis are to me. I’m happy that she has that kind of support. Things are a lot more complicated than I thought.

After checking on her again, I slip skillfully out of the bed. I toss a tee shirt over my head as I walk out to the cabin. Dale and Megan are laughing at something, full plates of food in front of them.

“Harry!  How’s Rebekah?” Dale asks when he sees me.

“She’s sleeping. That was interesting,” I sigh as I sit down.

“We’ve dumped the whiskey down the toilet,” Dale digs into his food.

“Thank you,” I smile as Megan gets up.

“I’ll get your plate. I’ve left one in the warmer for your guest.”

She returns with a plate of chicken, vegetables and sweet potatoes, placing it in front of me. Exhausted from all the information and dealing with a very drunk Rebekah, I pick at the food.  We talk about boring subjects for a bit after the plates are cleared.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Sir?” The blonde whispers after Dale plugs in to watch a film on his laptop.  

“Excuse me?”

“You seem very stressed. I could help you out...”

“I wasn’t aware your position as air hostess included help with stress,” I say taken back by her forwardness. She walked in the bedroom not more than a half an hour ago.  I wouldn’t have had my shirt off and a beautiful, mahogany haired woman sleeping on my chest if I wanted a go at her.

“Oh..that wasn’t in the employment description, but I’m more than happy to do anything you need,” she winks.

“How about you make sure the gentleman behind me has a blanket and pillow. I’m in no need of any extra services,” I growl as I get up.  She looks scared for a moment before looking down at her feet.

“Good night.” I squeeze Dale’s shoulder and rub his bald head before walking back to the bedroom.

Tog seems to have woken while I was gone.  Her shorts, tee shirt and bra are in different spots in the room.  The bra hanging smartly on the wall mounted television. I strip down to my pants and lay down beside her. She snores lightly.  I draw a deep breath and close my eyes.


7:13 am
April 4, 2015


My head feels like it’s ready to explode.  

I feel a slight squeeze to my ass momentarily making me forget just how bad it feels. I wipe my eyes and look up at the squeezer.  

“Morning, Tog,” he says softly.

He’s beautiful with his sleepy eyes and mussed up hair. I shift, laying my arm across his chest. I answer, “Morning.”  I lean my chin on it so I can continue to look at him.  His hand moves from my right ass cheek to my back, gently running up and down.

“Are you alright?”

“ head is killing me,” I answer squeezing my eyes shut.

“Three quarters of a bottle of Three Ships will do that,” he continues to softly rub my back.  

The scars don’t seem to bother him.

“Don’t they make you sick?”


“My scars...”

“Why would they make me sick?” He runs his hand across my hair, pulling it from my eyes. He keeps one strand between his fingers, playing with it.

“They’re disgusting,” I answer shaking my head.

“They are not disgusting. They are a reminder that you were in a war zone and survived. They are a part of you now. Nothing about you makes me sick.”


“...Is an asshole.” He interrupts. “Rebekah, I am not Mateo. I will never think the imperfect skin on your back is anything but perfectly you. Don’t use what he may have said or done as a generalization as to what I think or how I feel about you. Understand?”

“Okay,” I answer.  “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“I think we both may have said some things that we regret. I want you to know I had every intention of telling you about Kendall. We’ve just been a bit busy with Lareto and things.”

“I shouldn’t have been so nasty about it. It’s your business to share or not share.”

“Rebekah?  Do you still want to see what happens between us? Or do you want to just cut our losses and move on?” He stares at me.


“That’s all I expect. Honesty.”

“I don’t think I could walk away from you even if I wanted to...”

“My past is an open book to you. All you have to do is ask,” He says rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

I look away, “I’m not ready to tell you about Mateo.”

“Hey,” he whispers, “That’s okay.  You’ll tell me when you are ready. All I ask is that you remember that this is me and you. Not you and Mateo. Yeah?  Try and give me a chance.”

“I will try. I promise.”

A quiet rapping makes me turn my head.

“Yes?” Harry yells.

“ head,” I complain, gripping it.

“Sorry, Love.”

“May I come in?” Dale asks loudly.

I move off of Harry and cover myself.  The door opens after he consents.

Metal tops and cabinet doors can be heard in the cabin behind him. I cringe at every sound.

“What is her problem?” Harry asks after his bodyguard closes the door.

“You tell me...”

“Christ...I’ll have to talk to Sam,” Harry answers shaking his head.

I don’t even care what that’s about. I’m just happy the loud clangs have stopped.

“We’re running a bit ahead of schedule due to tail winds. You might want to get dressed and be ready for landing,” Dale smiles.  “Hope the uninvited guest has been taken care of.”  He proceeds to walk out the door.

“Do you remember me telling you Kendall had flown to Dubai?” Harry asks sitting up in the bed.


“I asked Niall to make sure she was gone. She can be a bitch on a good day.”

“You haven’t seen me out in the field,” I laugh which causes my head to throb worse. “Fucking hell.”

“Come on...let’s get dressed. We’ll get you something for the hangover.”

“Do I have to?” I ask pulling the pillow over my head.  “Ahhhhhhh!” I scream as he pulls me by the legs clear across the bed.

He kisses me deeply before pulling me into a sitting position.  The next thing I know, he gathers my hair in his hands and twists it into a messy bun on the top of my head, securing it with a hair tie from his wrist.

“Pretty handy having a man who can put my hair up quicker and better than I can,” I comment while he pulls at the hair.

“Having a man, huh?” He smirks in my face. He leans in and kisses me again, “Duly noted.”

I watch as he walks over to a small cabinet and pulls out his overnight bag.  He sifts through it and tosses me a black tee shirt. I sit on the bed and watch him pull on a new pair of black skinny jeans. Reaching back into the cabinet, he grabs the yellow shirt he wore in Cape Town. He slips his arms in and turns toward me as he buttons only two of the buttons.

“I thought maybe you’d have put that on,” he laughs.

“Oh...uh...sorry,” I stutter.

He walks over to the other side of the bed and pulls something off the television.

“ might need this.”

It’s my bra.

“What exactly happened last night?” I ask taking it from him. I stand and turn my back towards him.

“Now you’re gonna be shy,” he giggles.  Literally giggles.  “You got very pissed. Dale had a small argument with you about the bottle of whiskey. We got you settled in here. I laid down with you for a bit and then had dinner.  You stripped down to your pants while I was out in the cabin.”

“Oh...” I say embarrassed. I pull the Ramones tee shirt over my head and turn towards him. “I’m sorry.”

“No worries. It’s been a difficult week. We’re gonna try and be honest with each other, right? Not jump to conclusions?  Actually talk.”

“Yeah. No more roller coaster.”

“Good,” he walks over and places a lingering kiss to my neck. “You might want to call Emily,” he whispers and leaves me in the room by myself.

“Oh, shit...”

Author note: Yeah...Oh Shit. Haha...
Does anyone else want Harry to come and put their hair up? I do...*sigh*
Hope you liked it. Leave me some Love. I get lonely sometimes missing the guys.
#AllTheLove - Lady H. x


  1. Oh Rie its amazing as always. And uhm a birthday bun for me from H would be lovely. Keep writing sweets, the adventure is getting good and I'm drawn to it.
    Love you and my Bex ❤ T...

  2. Oh Rie its amazing as always. And uhm a birthday bun for me from H would be lovely. Keep writing sweets, the adventure is getting good and I'm drawn to it.
    Love you and my Bex ❤ T...

  3. You scared me when he asked if she wanted to cut their losses. I actually held my breath til I read her response thinking don't say yes, don't say yes, don't say yes lol. I'm so captivated by this story!
    I most definitely want to book my turn at having H put my hair up :-) That made me swoon.
    Great chapter as always! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next. @picturesque21

  4. Thank you for another amazing chapter! WDBHGFF is my guilty pleasure! Thanks again for letting us follow Hex's journey �� All the love Your Most Endearing Fan

  5. Thank you for another amazing chapter! WDBHGFF is my guilty pleasure! Thanks again for letting us follow Hex's journey! All the love Your Most Endearing Fan


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