Chapter 10

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. I do not own any of the photos included in this chapter. Photos #2 & # copyright to Cal Aurand. This is 90% fiction. All quotes from boys during concert have been taken from videos on YouTube. The plot, Bex and her cohorts are mine...One Direction is not. Enjoy.

Why Don’t We Go There

                                               Chapter 10

“You haven’t said a word.  Are you alright?” The man beside me asks.

I’m pretty sure I haven’t moved from the same position since we left the hotel.  My hand is still covering my mouth.  I shake my head no, which causes him to chuckle.  It kinda pisses me off, if I’m honest.

Removing my hand, I look at him.  He stares, smugly, out the window.


“Why wot?” He asks running a hand through his hair before looking at me.

“Why did you do that?”

“Wot? Kiss you??” He smiles. “I felt like it.”

“You felt like it...” I mutter to myself.

“You didn’t hit me...”

“I shoulda...” I bark.

“But you didn’t.” He smiles again.  The dimple out in full force.

“Ya know... I just might right now,” I say raising my fist.


I shake my head and look out the window.

Why did he have to do that?  Things were better off left as they were. I could have just wandered the world, never knowing what it was like to feel those full, pink lips on my own.

I’m so confused. Rebekah Oliver doesn’t do confused.  Bex Oliver doesn’t do it well either.  Now I’m talking like I’m two different people!

Damn Him.  And Damn those lips.

“That wasn’t fair,” I say playing with the strap of my back pack.  I’m not sure how it even ended up in the car with me.  I don’t even remember getting in the damn car.


“You just kissed me. No warning. No asking.  I like to be asked the first time I’m kissed.”  I force my attention back to the view passing by and not on him.


Dale chuckles in the front seat.

“You...shut your face. Don’t encourage him,” I slug him in the arm.

“Yes, Miss Oliver.”

“Was it that bad?” Harry asks quietly.

“No...I...I’m just confused.”

“I promise I’ll ask next time.”

“Next time?!?!” I yell looking at him like he’s crazy.  “You think there’ll be a next time?”


HA! Dream on, Styles.

“Now that I’ve gotten a taste, I probably will have a few good dreams about it,” he comments.

I’m going crazy.

I’m randomly speaking my thoughts out loud.  What the hell has this kid done to me?

This isn’t me.

I’m hard, not soft and squishy.  I don’t let men affect me like this. I don’t get confused.  I know what I need to do and I do it. I crawl around next to soldiers.  I trudge through debris. I don’t cry. I don’t get emotional about children. I don’t worry about anyone’s opinion of me.  The minute I walked into this situation, I’ve been turned upside down. I don’t like it.

“We should have left sooner,” Dale groans from his seat.  He pulls out his cell phone and texts someone.  “You had to meet with the fans...”

Harry just laughs.  I sneak a glance at him.  His head is reclined on the seat, eyes closed.

A half hour and a lot of grumbling from Dale later, we arrive at Cape Town Stadium.  This one looks like a huge eyeball, minus the pupil.  What’s up with these stadium designs?  Or is it just me? Dale taps Harry’s leg twice, rousing him from his nap.  Even if I wanted to sleep, there’s no way my mind would have let me.

“We’re here, H.”

“Okay,” Harry says rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.  His voice is soft, but raspy.  Just like this morning.  

Best not go there...

Paddy and Basil meet the car as we park.  They usher Harry away in a huge hurry.  Dale helps me out of the car taking my backpack.  There’s a few girls waiting at the back of the stadium yelling to Harry.

“Dale! Dale??  Who’s the doos?”

Harry’s bodyguard looks at them and shakes his head a few times, “Be nice. She works with the boys.”

“Works with the boys...suuurrrrrre...” one particularly young girl yells causing the group to laugh.

“Hey! I’m gonna remember you!”

Dale and I both turn in surprise as Harry jogs back towards us.  He steps in next to me scowling at the group.  They all look horrified that he’s yelled at them.

Placing his hand on my back, he gently guides me toward the entrance.

“I’m sorry. I should have stayed with you and Dale. They wouldn’t have been so rude,” he shakes his head as the door closes behind us.  Dale hands me my bag and heads off toward Paddy.

“They’re just kids,” I state, but don’t really believe the words coming out of my mouth.  It dawns on me that if...and IF is the keyword...I was ever to get into a relationship with him, the things they said today would be shouted at me everywhere. Probably worse.  I don’t think I’d be able to take that lying down. “I don’t even know what ‘doos’ means.”

Harry scowls, “It’s a part of the female anatomy.”

“Are you kidding me?!?” It doesn’t take much to figure it out.  I’ve been called a lot of things, but not that. “I should go back out there with some soap and wash that girl’s mouth out!”  I turn to go back out the door, but he stops me.

“No.  You’re only going to make it worse and rile them up.  They’ll start screaming at you and calling you more rude things.  Just stay in here.”

“Does every female you’re seen with get treated like this?” I stop walking, which makes him sigh.


“Harry!  That’s deplorable!  Have you ever asked them to stop?”

“It doesn’t really make a difference whether I say something or not.  They have their opinions,” he says shrugging.

“Come on!  That’s ridiculous.  Opinions or not, you don’t call people things like that!”

He shakes his head at me, “Rebekah, have you never been a fan of someone?  Like the sun sets and rises with that person?  They tell us we’ve saved their lives. They camp out for days in the cold, in the rain...they’re young and passionate. You just have to ignore the nasty comments. I could probably go out and slaughter a village and they would say I had a reason. They’d probably take on the next village without me in my name. ”

“Well...that’s just...crazy. It doesn’t give them a right to call someone, who may only be standing next to you, vile things. Whether you are dating that person or not. It’s none of their business.  I don’t think I’d be able to handle being screamed at like that,” I say honestly.  His face changes as he stares at me. He looks almost defeated. He opens his mouth to say something, but Cal calling me interrupts him.  

“Bex!  Come on!  We need to get you an ear piece!”

“Coming!” I yell back. “Harry...”

“Go on. I need to meet with some people.  I’ll see you in a bit.”  He walks away quickly before
I can say anything else.

“Bex, Love!  Cal is fit to be tied!” Lou says grabbing my arm.

“Alright...I’m coming.”

She drags me backstage where a member of their crew fits me with an earpiece.  A moment later, Cal is talking in my ear.

“Testing...Oliver...Testing...Can you hear me okay?”

I adjust the volume, “Yep. I can hear you.”

“Good, good.  We’re going to need to take some promo pics tonight.  Both of us will handle the still photography.  I need you on the floor at the beginning. We’ll see what we can get and we’ll trade spots at some point.”

“You’re the boss,” I answer as I load my camera with a fresh memory card and check the battery life.  

“Testing...fa la la laaaaahhhh...” Liam sings through my earpiece.  

“Knock knock,” Harry’s voice cuts in.  “Is this thing on?”

“Who’s Der?”


“Hoola who?” Louis laughs.


I chuckle.  It’s the worst joke I’ve ever heard.  Hula Hoop...

“Bex appears to like that one,” Louis says as he walks past me.

“Worst joke ever,” I say into the mic.  I can hear Niall laugh loudly somewhere not too far away.

“Got a better one?” Harry asks.

“What did the two flags say?”

Niall cuts in, “Nuthin’...they just waved.  Nice try, Bex.”

The band’s opening act, Johnny Apple is getting mic’d up backstage.  As the sound tech hands him his microphone, he looks up and winks at me.  

“Hello, I’m Johnny,” he says extending his hand.

“Hi, Bex,” I shake his hand.

“I saw you at the show in Joburg. Do you work for the tour?”

“Um...I’m just helping out a friend,” I answer and fidget with my camera.

“You must like taking photos,” he comments while stepping closer to me.

“You could say that,” I answer a little nervously. “I’m a photojournalist.”

“That’s very interesting.  Do you work for a music magazine or...”

“No, like I said, just helping out a friend.”

“I’d love to hear more about it. Care to have dinner later?” He gives me a toothy grin.

“How old are you?” I ask pointedly.

“Seventeen? You?”

“Way too old for you,” the raspy voice says behind me.  His tone is possessive.

“No harm, no foul,” the young man says, his eyes wide as I feel Harry’s hand on my back.

“Rebekah, Cal was asking around for you. Didn’t you hear him?”

“Sorry. No, I didn’t.  Nice to meet you,” I say waving at Johnny as Harry gently pushes me away from him.

“What is your deal?” I ask quietly as we walk toward the commissary area.  “He was nice.”

“Whatever...” Harry says abruptly.  

“Well, someone is unhappy,” Cal laughs. “Bex, H has some special guests. Could you go with him and take some photos?”

“Sure,” I answer through my teeth and follow Harry to one of the meet and greet areas.

Somehow, things between the two of us has turned sour. There’s no way we can work together like this. We step into the VIP area together.  In the front of the room is Suzelle and about ten of the kids from Lalela.  She smiles when she sees me.

“AH!  Rebekah!  Good to see you again!  I have everything set for Thursday,” she says as she hugs me.

“That’s terrific!  Thanks so much!”

Harry groans on the other side of the room, “There’s some kids here who want pictures, Rebekah.”

Alright...You want to play like that, Styles? Let’s do this.

“My apologies, Mr. Styles!” I say with a bit of bite.

I smile at the group of teens waiting for their pics with the pop star, “Hi! Who wants to go first?”

Two young men walk over and get in really close. I recognize them from the other day.  The three talk a few minutes before moving away.  A few girls come over shyly and smile when Harry hugs them. The first two teens come back over with their buddy and jump in the picture.  One is holding a tablet out and the five of them get a selfie with him.  I usher Suzelle and the others in and get a great picture of Harry laughing with the group.  He looks happy just interacting with them.  Any anger I held towards him earlier is gone.  How can you be angry with a man who enjoys helping others and gets joy from meeting his fans?  

“We’re all set. I’ll see if we can get these emailed over to you as soon as possible,” I tell Suzelle.

“I’ll see you Thursday!” She waves as she goes over to the table that is set up for Harry to sign things.  

I take one last look over my shoulder at Harry and the teens. One of them tells him he’s amazing.

Yeah...he is kinda amazing.

Cal is still sitting at the table going over a some things. I pull out one of the chairs at the table and shake my head.  

“Boys suck.”

He finds my comment amusing.  Once he’s done having his laugh, we talk about the game plan for the evening.  Sarah comes over and places two plates of food in front of us and pats Cal’s shoulder.  Any and all discussion is suspended as we eat.  The guys pop in and out, grabbing food of their own and returning to their dressing rooms.

After we’re done eating, Johnny starts his set.  I stand at the side of the stage, taking a few photos.  The crowd seem to like him.  A cool breeze blows through and I decide I need to change.  I grab my bag from Lou and go in search of somewhere to change.  Niall is standing in one of the doorways talking with Basil and their tour manager, Sam.  He’s a big, burly redhead I wouldn’t want to cross in a dark alley.

“What’s the craic, Bex?” Niall is always smiling.

“May I use your dressing room?  It’s getting a bit cooler out and I’d like to change?”

“Of course! Go right on in!” He says allowing me to pass him.  He shuts the door behind him leaving me alone in the room.  It smells just as good in here as it does in Harry’s dressing room.  

I pull the earpiece out of my ear and shimmy the pack it’s attached to down my legs.  I slip out of my shorts and top.  I set my change of clothes on the couch and start to fold my shorts.

“Nialler!  Where’s the toothp...”  The door flies open.

I grab for the top I just took off to cover myself, “Jesus Christ!!! Knock for fuck’s sake, Styles!”

“Fooking hell!” He yells as he steps in.  The door slams closed.  “What are you doing?”

“If it’s alright with you, I’m changing!”

“Bloody hell...someone could just walk in!” He says before peeking out the door.

“Like you just did?!?!  Get out of here!”  It’s getting a bit cold standing in my underwear. There’s no way I’m removing the t-shirt until he leaves.

“Why are you in here?  If you needed to change, you could have used my dressing room!” He yells back at me.

“Will you just get the hell out of here?!?!”

“Why are you yelling at me?” He asks incredulously.

“You started yelling at me first!  But you’re the one who just barged in here!  Now get the hell out!”

“I sure hope to god you’ve got something more to put on!” He points at me.

At some point during our petty little argument, I’d dropped the shirt on the floor. I was arguing with him in just my unmentionables. Black Lace unmentionables.

“You need to leave,” I turn my back, reaching for my jeans.  I pull them on and turn back around.  He’s standing there staring at me.  “Get a good look?” I snip.

“When are you going to tell me what happened to your back?’

“Well, just like you said this’s mine and I’m not ready to share.”

“Come on, Rebekah...”

I ignore him.  I put the earpiece and pack back in place, before slipping my long sleeve t-shirt over my head. My boots come next.  I pack up the rest of my things, continuing to ignore his presence in the room.  

“Bex? You dressed? I need to get something,” Niall calls after he knocks.

“ knock first,” I growl passing Harry.  I turn the knob and pull the door open just before he takes hold of my arm.

“Hey...Harry?!? What are you doing in here?” Niall looks between us.

I look at his green-eyed band mate and then at his hand. He releases my arm quickly, “Toothpaste.  Thanks for letting me use your space.”

Niall shuts the door after I step out into the hall, “Tell me you didn’t just walk in on her?”

I can feel a headache starting at the base of my neck.

What the hell was wrong with him? He barges in and then starts yelling at me.  The man is driving me absolutely crazy.  

Deciding I needed something to ward off the headache, I return to Sarah for a bottle of water. She pats my shoulder when I explain about the headache, sending me off with something called paracetamol.  Johnny has finished his set and the crew is making sure all of the band’s equipment is set to go.  Paddy hands me my all-access pass as I head down the stairs for the main floor.  The safety video plays in the background as I weave through the crowd.

Once I get into a good spot, I let Cal know where I am.  I can hear the guys doing some kind of pre-show warm up.  The lights shut off one group at a time and the intro begins to play. Most of the personal protection line up along the catwalk.  They either smile or nod at me as they pass.

Before the intro video is even finished, the guys are on stage surprising us and the fans.  I pick Louis first and try to get as many photos of him during the first song.  

Harry asks the crowd to make some noise before telling them they look “fabulous” as I aim my lens on Niall.  They perform the next two songs as I make my way up and down the left side of the catwalk.  I hear Niall start the next song, it has turned into my favorite.  I lower the camera and move to the beat a bit. Harry spots me on the side of the stage and smiles. I snap a quick picture of him and go back to enjoying the song.  He leans toward me with the mic stand, asking if I’m sleeping by myself. I shake my head at him and watch the others.  They move right into the next song when Hearts is done.  He flirts with my camera and the crowd.  

“People talk sh...” he sings to me, “but we don’t listen.”  I take a few more pictures of him and move over to get some more of Niall. A bottle of water hits my lower back and I end up capturing him giving the audience a weird look.  I give him the thumbs up when he looks back at me. Kiss You starts and the crowd goes crazy.

“We haven’t had a start to a show like this in a long time,” Liam yells. “Thank you very much for having us in your beautiful country.  We are loving life right now.  I hope you are too! Now...alright. You better be the loudest crowd we’ve ever had.  Let’s check it out! SCREAM!!!”  

I should have known from the first show in Johannesburg that the crowd would be ear piercingly loud.  

“Who enjoyed our album Four?” Liam asks after the stadium quiets.  I remember Liam asking the same question the other night and make my way back over to the left side of the stage.  I catch Niall dancing and Harry smiles as I take yet another picture of him.  He spends the rest of the song whipping the crowd into a frenzy.  They move on to the next song.  I catch a shot of the three guys looking to Harry as he sings.  Louis keeps glancing over his shoulder and seems to notice that his bandmate is out of breath.  He seamlessly picks up the next line, “This time I’m ready to run,” giving him a chance to get some air.  Harry comes right in with the next lyric and they finish out the song.

They move to the main stage for the next song.  I dart behind security along the catwalk, hoping it will deter anyone from throwing anything at me.  Cal jumps on stage for the next song, Don’t Forget Where You Belong.  Liam gets hit with water and graciously smiles at the fan.  Cal moves forward to try and get all the boys into a group pic, but it’s just Liam and their guitar player.  He finally gets one at the end of the song.  The group move to the stairs on the front of the main stage.  Harry starts the song as Louis pours water all over Liam making Niall laugh.  While Liam is singing about you not loving the crinkles by your eyes, he flirts with the guitar player annoying the poor man as he plays.  He then starts massaging his shoulders and head.  Harry starts his second verse, Liam and Louis continue to screw around.  Louis pulls out his cell phone and appears to take a video of the crowd.  He and his partner in crime proceed to take a selfie together.

Niall yells, “Louder...” earning a ‘what the hell’ look from Harry.  They move on to the next song, a slow number I recognize as Night Changes.  After that one is finished, they make their way down the catwalk to the smaller stage.  The idiots sing the theme song from The Lion King.  

During the next song, Harry spots me and leans toward me.  He smiles and sings, “I never would mistreat ya...I’m not a criminal.”  I lower the camera and stick my tongue out at him.  

What Makes You Beautiful comes on a song or two later.  While Harry is singing his solo, the boys squish him in between Niall and Liam.  As he gets ready to sing the last line, he does this weird gesture over the Irishman's shoulders with both arms.  They both burst out laughing.  

They continue to move through the set-list.  Louis and Liam throw things at each other. Niall shuns Liam when it appears he messes up some dance they do together.  The crowd throws whatever they can at them.  I watch as they dodge things and then pick them up and throw them back.  

The four leave the stage and I take the time to change my battery and memory card.  When they return to the stage for the encores, Niall and Liam have changed shirts.  They start the song, You & I, on the main stage.  When they make their way down the catwalk again, someone in the crowd has a water gun and tries to drench the four of them.  

The song finishes and Harry starts another speech, “We’re going to remember you forever!” He thanks anyone who brought people to the show, just as he did in Johannesburg.  

“I think I just fell in love with Cape Town, so thank you for having us.  We’ve been One Direction,” he says before introducing Little White Lies.  Louis sings the song throwing things back into the crowd.  The others dodge more water bottles and glow sticks.

Immediately after the song ends, Liam laughs and starts talking to the crowd.

“I gotta say I love this shirt,” he walks over to Niall. “This is Niall’s shirt.  We do share wardrobe sometimes...only cuhz I’ve run out.”

Niall pulls his earbud out, “Huh?”

“I said we share wardrobe sometimes.  I mean...I kinda robbed it but it’s nice,” Liam smiles.

Niall giggles, “I am a fashion icon.”

“Niall is a fa...Niall is the next Kim Kardashian!” Liam jokes. “He’s got the bum! He’s gonna get the boobs and that’s all I can say...”

“Hey?!?!” Niall yells as he makes his way away from the other three.  He turns back to the crowd, “Cape Town!!! Did everybody have a good time?  Thank you sooo much from the bottom of our hearts for doing this for us.  It’s absolutely incredible and as the boys have said all night, and we tend to say it every night ‘cause every show gets better, but you guys were absolutely incredible and by far, the best on the southern hemisphere.

“Since we started this tour in February, it’s been a long time coming, but we’re here now. The shows in South Africa are sold out and we had a lot of fun.  Thank you so much for having us and hopefully we’ll get to see you very soon.” He continues as the crowd screams.  

“Have a safe trip home tonight. We’ll see you soon!  We love you!  We’ve been One Direction,” he yells over them. “This. Is. Best. Song. Evvveeerrr!” The music starts, “Cape Town, are you ready???”

Liam yells, “Let’s Go!!!”

Harry drops to his knees a bit down the catwalk and spits water out of his mouth causing the crowd to go wild.  

Niall removes his guitar.  The four of them wave goodbye to the crowd as the band continues to play.  Irish picks up a South African flag as he waves.  Louis tries to start a water fight with Liam. Just before the lights go out, I scurry around and get hit with more water. I try and protect my camera with my shirt, as best I can, until I get backstage.

Most of the crew is already working to load everything up.  Cal hugs me quickly, telling me to call if there are any problems.  Liam and Louis kiss my cheek and tell me they’ll see me in a few days, before being rushed out to the cars.  I spot Niall and Harry talking at the exit as I gather up my bag.  Niall waves, Harry just stares as Basil pushes them through the door.  

“Ms. Oliver?”

I turn to Dale and smile, “You can call me Bex, ya know.”

“Alright,” he laughs.  “There’s a car waiting to take you back to the hotel.  Cal made sure that you have it whenever you need it. Safe travels to Dubai.”

“Please tell him Thank You when you get on the plane,” I say waving to him.

“We’ll do! Be careful.”

I say goodbye to Sarah and Lou before heading toward the exit.  When I step out, there are no crowds of girls screaming at me.  I take a deep breath and make my way to the waiting car.

I doze on and off on the ride back to the resort.  When we get there, I head straight for the room.  As I ride up in the elevator, I think about being jammed between Dale and Harry.  I think about the walk around the resort; how there was no real awkwardness between us.  

I slip my keycard through the door and push it open.  The scent of lilies permeates the air.

On the entry table, a large bouquet of white lilies and a card make me tear up a little.  I drop my camera bag on the floor and reach for the card.  I slit it open with my finger, expecting to see Cal’s handwriting.  He is the only one who knows how much I love lilies.

Rebekah, I’m sorry about earlier. 
 Please enjoy the flowers.
Someone told me they were your favorite.
 H. xx

I set the card down and run my finger along one of the petals.  They’re beautiful. I hate that I’ll have to leave them here when I check out.  I pick the card and my bag back up.  I slip the card into my suitcase before pulling out something for bed.

A shower is in order.  I run the water, filling the room with steam.  Stepping in, I try to let everything that happened during the day go.  Not knowing how long I’ve actually been lazing under the shower head, I wash quickly and do a cursory job of shaving.

After toweling off, I slip on a pair of underwear and a camisole since I’m alone in the suite. The silence bothers me as I run a comb through my hair.  I quickly brush my teeth and shut off the light.

I notice a cup of something steaming on the bedside table as I hit the doorway.  When I look up, I can’t help but smile.

Author note: Tell me what you think made Bex smile...
Thank You for reading this. This isn't going to be a quick story. They are not falling into bed together...yet. I appreciate you giving it a chance. Much Love, Lady H.


  1. Harry is there!!!!!!!!!!!! He stayed behind for her. Oh God please don't be too long with #11

  2. Once again you took me away from my home and placed me in the middle of your story! I love that you've made H so real! Confidently going after what he wants and then respectfully pulling back to apologise in the most gentlemanly way. I love that you aren't rushing this and alliwing our anticipation to flourish! I thank you again for sharing your story with us and I will continue to wait patiently (LOL maybe not so patiently) for every new chapter ��


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